61 Shuttleworth St, Kuraby Real Estate Photography

Capturing the internal living spaces plus beautiful pool of this modern 5 bedroom Kuraby home.

61 Shuttleworth Kuraby gets photographed

There was plenty of opportunity to capture stunning real estate photographs in this modern and stylish 5 bedroom 3 bathroom Kuraby home. With a final photo count of 25 images, I covered the main areas of the home including 2 kitchens and outdoor entertaining area and pool. All photographs of the home were captured using exposure bracketing techniques and then blended together to preserve detail in the shadows and highlights. The final result not to different to how the human eye sees.

Homes photographed nearby

I have photographed a number of homes for sale for local real estate agents in and around Kuraby including:


61 Shuttleworth real estate photography rear pool area - Phil Savory
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography front view of the home
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography family room
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography lounge
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography entrance
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography dining
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography view to kitchen
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography dining table
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography second kitchen
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography outdoor dining
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography lounge to kitchen
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography looking to entrance
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography bathroom
61 Shuttleworth real estate photography bedroom

– Contact Me & Make a Booking –

A: 7 Reading St, Paddington 4064

M: 0404 840 001

E: contact@philsavoryphotography.com.au

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